We made it. I wasn’t sure we actually would but we have arrived safe and sound in Maui. My first flight since leaving lockdown on Cyprus on April 30th. Feeling grateful for Aloha and time to disconnect.
Getting here was a trial. Arriving on the first day Hawaii reopened to tourists meant jumping through a lot of hoops, waiting for test results, and stressing when those did not appear. We boarded the plan without test results. But when we landed my negative results were in my inbox, but my husband’s were not. What to do?
Arrival at the airport was well thought-out and and easy. They allowed us both to proceed, with Arne needing to quarantine but at our condo and not at a hotel as we had feared. But only I could rent a car. Luckily at least one of us could get the car. When his results arrive (hopefully soon) he will need to download the information to the tourism site. In the meantime he can not leave the condo and if he does and gets caught the fine is $5000. Whoa.
But I have no doubt all this will be worth it for five weeks on the most beautiful island in the world.
As much as we have loved being home with family, the past months have been stressful indeed as we all have tried to figure out how to operate in this world of Covid. Even though I feel safe at my house, I still have a lot of worry for my family and friends and for the question of what the future will look like.

Time to Disconnect for Awhile
Finally making it to Hawaii, a week later than our originally scheduled trip (scheduled 14 months ago, long before Covid), we feel happy we didn’t need to cancel at least. Maui is one of my favorite places in the entire world (that’s saying a lot considering how much I have traveled) and I am absolutely thrilled to be back here again. My last visit was in June 2016. While here we don’t plan to do much, other than relax, so social distancing will be easy. I’ve been here enough times I don’t need to do anything touristy.
I have decided to make this a real vacation as much as possible, including a social media vacation. I’m not saying I am never going to check in – I’m sure I will. But I am unplugging and letting my hair down for awhile. Stepping away from the fray.

Lots of Blogs and Tasty Tuesday Scheduled in Advance
But the great thing about technology, is if you plan well enough in advance, you can schedule blog and social media posts so my faithful audience won’t really notice a thing. In the weeks prior to our departure I set up Tasty Tuesday, Reading Wednesday and Inspire Friday to post automatically as much as possible in the weeks ahead.
My Time to ReCharge
I’ll be checking in to make sure everything is running smoothly and I hope you will all continue to enjoy My Fab Fifties Life while I take a little breather. A re-charge, re-access, re-center, re-juvenate breather. For this I re-joice.
See ya on the flip side peeps. Take some time for yourself too. And be kind.
I love you all. Thanks for your continued support. Aloha.

Hi Laureen,
Ann and I have talked about an escape to Hawaii this winter, too. How was the flight? Did you feel any anxiety about flying itself?
October 16, 2020 at 8:14 amI felt fine onboard. Plane was not full, all middle seats empty too. No food or alcohol which I still don’t really understand. Seems they could hand me a can of beer as safely as a can of soda. Anyway we wore three layer mask for more than 12 hours from the time we got to the airport until we got in the car. That got pretty uncomfortable. But everyone was patient and it went smoothly. So glad to be here.
October 16, 2020 at 8:34 amLaureen, relax and enjoy this much deserved vacation. Your blogs will be missed and we will all look forward to catching up with you upon your return. Aloha! Have a fruity drink with an umbrella for me!
October 17, 2020 at 9:09 amStill will squeeze in a blog or two. You enjoy as well. ❤️
October 17, 2020 at 9:27 amI’m so glad you made it! Can you recommend a good (family friendly) place in Maui to stay? We really want to take our kids to Hawaii! I’ve only been to Ohau before – but have dreamed of going to another island for a real, relaxing getaway. And we currently have some Alaska travel ticket credit we need to use or lose! Hope you have a marvelous trip!
October 17, 2020 at 3:33 pmWell we always stay in Kihei because our uncle has a condo. I’m not sure what the going rate is but it’s a beautiful plCe for families. The Kihei
October 17, 2020 at 4:07 pmSurfside. Google Rosies Rentals. There are so many condos that are family friendly in Kihei. If you want hotels look at Kaanapali. Maui is my favorite island but we also have enjoyed the Big Island and Kaua’i.