Reading Wednesday

Book Review Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

Although I make a big effort to expand my reading horizons by reading all different genre’s, Science Fiction would normally be pretty low on my list of favorites. Except for this book…it’s outstanding. Don’t fear the SciFi – you’re gonna love this one. Here is my book review The Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir.

Weir wrote The Martian (If you didn’t read it you may have seen the movie that starred Matt Damon) . And Project Hail Mary reads like a screenplay. It has garnered some criticism for that, but for me, the visual text made the book alive and I felt right there in the thick of this interstellar space ship and save the planet story thanks to Weir’s imagination.

Throughout the book Weir hops back and forth between life on board the Hail Mary interstellar space ship, and back on earth prior to the launch of the ship. Earth is nearing the end of it’s existence, due to the sun slowly dimming. Of course without the sun there will be no food and life on earth will perish.

Through a set of unusual circumstances, a middle school science teacher named Ryland Grace finds himself (against his will) one of three astronauts charged to travel through space and save the world.

Are you rolling your eyes about this? Please don’t. It’s an epic, emotional, often laugh out loud, descriptive, story with endearing characters I fell in love with. Tasked with saving the world is a big undertaking and Weir creates a story of discovery and “speculative” science full of redemption and humor. And it doesn’t end how you might expect.

By the way, apparently Ryan Gosling has already been tapped for the protagonist in the movie. I envision Sandra Bullock as Eva Stratt.

Project Hail Mary was a fun, easy read with interesting science fiction to boot. One of my favorite reads over the past few months. Give it a try. Thanks for reading my book review Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir.

*****Five Stars for Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

My current read Rules of Civility by Amor Towles

Read last week’s book review The Plot by Jean Hanff Korellitz

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