Reading Wednesday

Book Review The Bloodless Boy by Robert J. Lloyd

The New York Times gave this novel it’s Best New Historical Novel in 2021. A wonderfully imagined tale based partly on fact and actual characters…like so many historical novels. Having just read and loved Act of Oblivion this book was reminiscent and set in the same era. Here is my book review The Bloodless Boy by Robert J. Lloyd.

London 1678. The city is still in upheaval 12 years after the Great Fire and 18 years since the fall of Oliver Cromwell. No one trusts anyone and papist plots are rumored daily. But then the body of small boy, drained of all blood, is discovered on a cold and snowy night and suspicious grow.

Lloyd introduces us to several real life characters, such as Robert Hooke, scientist, engineer and curator of the newly formed Royal Society. Hook’s assistant, the young and ambitious Harry Hunt is by his side when they retrieve the bloodless boy from the river bank.

A well defined story-line makes this novel a page turner as large cast of characters come and go…who is the real villain? Is this a plot against King Charles II? And what of more young bloodless boys they learn about?

During a time in history where science is just coming into play, but paranoia and witchcraft remain, Lloyd takes the reader through the complicated facts and fiction of this engrossing story. If you liked Wolf Hall or The Name of the Rose you will enjoy The Bloodless Boy.

Thanks for reading my book review The Bloodless Boy by Robert J. Lloyd.

Four stars for The Bloodless Boy by Robert J. Lloyd****

See last week’s book review The Man Who Died Twice by Richard Osman.

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