Europe Travel

My Camino Day Four

Surprise Us With Your Love

Location: Camino de Santiago

Surprise us with your love at daybreak; then we’ll skip and dance all the day long. Psalm 90:14

So surprising, walking the Camino. Many things we did not expect or imagine-

Freezing rain one day, hot sun the next.  I think it’s a test.

Significantly more women than men.  Many women walking in small groups or pairs.  Many pilgrims walking alone.

Loud pilgrims.  Thoughtful, contemplative pilgrims. Slow pilgrims. Fast pilgrims. Injured pilgrims.

NOWHERE to go to the bathroom.  That is not only a surprise but a problem.

I’d say more than half the pilgrims are not carrying packs.  These people are obviously using the courier service to send their packs or bags ahead each day.  Arne says that’s cheating… (I might try cheating

We were astonished to learn there were no rooms available in several of the towns we just went through.  I don’t know what becomes of people who did not plan ahead and book.  Luckily we reserve something one or two days out.  Albergue with other pilgrims, bed and breakfasts or hotels – we are doing them all.

September is usually a quieter time on the Camino – but not this year.  Apparently the numbers were down over the summer as pilgrims have heard the horror stories of overcrowding.  So now, like us, everyone has waited until September. Surprise!

After only less than a week we are surprised at the variety of terrain, flora, and geography we have stomped through.

Our bodies hurt.  I don’t know why this is a surprise. Despite the training, the old bod is feeling it.  I imagine it will take at least a week before my body settles in to a pattern and accepts the daily toll.  I’m hopeful…then we’ll skip and dance all the day long. 

45 miles done. 444 to go. 😯


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