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To Paradise

    North America Travel

    What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been

    The End of Chapter Four

    Location: Route 66

    Fifty One Days

    9810 Miles

    Two countries

    Six Provinces

    Seventeen States

    Gas prices from $1.79 to $3.59

    Twenty-nine Friends

    Eight Audio Books

    Three Calendar Months

    One Big Road Trip

    What a long strange trip its been. From Lake Superior to the Pacific Ocean we have enjoyed

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    historic and quirky, inspirational and surprising, natural and manmade sights to fill our senses for a lifetime. North America is a travelers dream – never a dull moment.

    I love Europe and Hawaii. I love Asia and Africa and South America. But right here in our own backyard is a Paradise like no other – and I will never get enough. I’m already planning my next American road trip. And you should too.

    Because we are lucky to have it all – desert and lakes, oceans and rivers, canyons and forests. We have ghost towns and skyscrapers, monuments and mountains. You do not need to be an intrepid traveler, ticking
    off a list of how many countries and places you have been. I have been guilty of this. Without ever getting on a plane you can see a whole world right here in the USA. It’s beautiful. It’s mine. It’s yours.

    Be gallant and go see it.

    Its fabulous.

    Note – with this blog we turn the page and end Chapter Four of The Grand Adventure. We will spend the next three weeks doing our final preparations to depart the United States and not return until 2018. Chapter Five begins November 29th.