I was on the waitlist at my local library for this book for what seemed like forever. So I had high expectations. But it started kinda slow for me, and I was initially dissapointed. But I’m glad I stuck it out because I really began to enjoy it in time. Speaking of time…this book is about time. Here is my book review Oona Out of Order by Margarita Montimore.
In hindsight I might have struggled in the beginning of this book due to the fact I had just finished The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (which I loved, see the review here) which is a little bit about time travel. And indeed so is Oona Out of Order, coincidentally. But the concept and plot is very different.
On New Years Eve 1982 at midnight, which is also Oona’s 19th birthday everything changes. That is the day that Oona begins living her life out of order. Unlike most people on their birthdays who become a year older, Oona is transported at the end of each year to another time in her life. From 19 years old to 52 years old to 35 years old etc. It’s a jumbled up life full of questions and problems.
There are only two constants in her life, each helping in their own way to keep Oona safe as she jumps around her life. The first one is her mother, who is always there until she isn’t. The second is a young man who is never there when she jumps to early years but is always there later in Oona’s life.
Sounds crazy? Yep it is, but Montimore does a bang up job keeping the reading in line with the developing mixed up plot even while Oona often doesn’t know where she is or how old she is. Sometimes sad and frightening, but also funny, sweet and poignant, it’s a lovely story about family, love and perseverence.
This is another book I expect to be a movie, it’s perfect for the big screen and special effects. I vote for Sandra Bullock as Oona. I hope you enjoyed my book review Oona Out of Order by Margarita Montimore.
****Four stars for Oona Out of Order
Read last week’s review of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue here.
My current read Rabbits for Food
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