What a great feel good novel. This is a story of being different. Being bullied because of it. And finding a way through it all to succeed and be happy. Here is my book review The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell.
Sam Hill
Sam is a tiny child born with red pupils. Kids call him Devil Boy and Sam Hell. His affliction, known as ocular albinism is said by his mom to be “God’s will”, and with her faith and his father’s guidance Sam tries to persevere is solitary childhood.
Sam’s mother refuses to allow the local Catholic school to deny Sam admission. The nun says his “difference” would be a distraction. But Sam’s mother, a devout Catholic and supporter of the church goes to the local television station. Sam is admitted. But finds few friends.
Until another young boy arrives who is also different. Ernie Cantwell is the only African American in Sam’s class and the two boys are drawn to each through their loneliness and their differences. Ernie will go on to great success in sports and eventually Sam will succeed as an eye doctor.
But Sam will be handed tragedy, one he can’t find a way through. He will turn his back on everything and everyone and travel to far off places to serve as an eye doctor to those in need. As he runs as far away from his pain, he encounters a young boy with ocular albinism. For the first time in decades, Sam removes his brown contact lenses and shares his own red “Devil Boy” eyes – giving the child hope.
Sam embraces his own differences, accepts what has defined his life, and finds his way home.
“There comes a day in every man’s life when he stops looking forward and starts looking back.”
*****Five stars for The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell by Robert Dougoni
Thank you for reading my book review The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell by Robert Dougoni. See last week’s book review The Secret Life of Sunflowers by Dana Martan
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