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What Can We Do? Be Kind.

Location: At Home

Day Four of our latest lockdown. Combining all our lock down days we are now at Day 55.  What can we do? Be kind.

Shit is getting real here. Thankful I have my husband and kids. 

I just watched a video that I can’t share because it’s just too heartbreaking about a young teen who committed suicide because he couldn’t take it anymore. What can we do?

People are frustrated. Sad. Hopeless. People are angry towards Federal, State and local government. Why?  This is their job to protect you. It’s not Governor Inslee’s fault anymore than it’s mine. Or the fault of that lovely young man who is gone.  Dead. 

What can we do?  


Anger is a powerful emotion. But so is compassion. For me, I’m trying hard to channel my anger and despair to something positive. I don’t show that angry part of me on social media – but I have it just like you. And I work hard to show another side of me, my compassionate side. Because no matter how this turns out, no matter how much you want to point a finger and place blame, there is no one to blame. The only blame will be how you respond. How you treat others who are just as vulnerable as you; mentally, economically, physically, emotionally. 

Some people will respond to this post with anger. Because that’s what anger does – it drives you to action. But to what point?  Other than to hurt someone in an effort to soothe your own emotions and sensibilities. Can it be channeled differently? Can it be put to good use? Can you lighten someone’s load who might be silently on the brink by moving your energy to compassion? 

What can we do?  Each person can do this one thing – find your compassionate energy.  It might be buried but it’s there – well in most people it’s there.

Set aside the politics real or imagined and turn your anger to compassion. Message me if I can help you or call you and chat. Love you all.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline1-800-273-8255

Be Kind

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  • Reply Debra Sidor Tanner

    Love this Laureen…

    May 3, 2020 at 10:22 am
  • Reply Carol Nelson

    Lucky to be home and have a new beginning. Your 2 weeks will end soon and then you will be able to take advantage of the restrictions phase out plan! You can go to the store! You can go for walks! Soon we may be able to gather with a few family members! And you are right, stay kind. Thinking about others helps to ease the anger of some of the lunacy. I personally am grateful to our governor for taking things seriously and slowly for now. Take care.

    May 3, 2020 at 1:53 pm
  • Reply Dennis R. White

    I’ve always tried to be kind and compassionate. I often find myself failing to meet my own expectations, but that won’t deter me from trying again. Last week I watched a discussion between Christiane Amanpour (her show is fantastic!) and the naturalist David Attenborough. He spoke of all the positive things we could learn as we wander our way through this terrible time. Yes, the skies ARE bluer. Yes, the birds ARE chirping louder. More and more people are learning that they will have to live more patiently, simply because there is no other rational choice. The prospect of less pollution and more renewable energy is at our front door simply because even after 2 months we see that it makes the world nicer. Anger, division, political rancour and blame are all things that won’t help us get through this, so why not “Be Kinder”? We are surrounded by people who care about us, who would put their lives on the line for strangers, and people who care deeply enough to thank first responders by cheering and yelling out their NYC windows. Thanks for the wonderful message, Laureen.

    May 4, 2020 at 6:29 pm
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