Africa & The Middle East Travel

A Soulful Journey – Three Weeks in Burkina Faso – My Final Thoughts

Location: Burkina Faso

I was intending on writing one more blog about our amazing time in Burkina Faso and focusing on the surprising tourist attractions in this tiny unknown destination.


But unfortunately, it doesn’t seem right to write about that now. Two days ago a

Talented Burkina muscians

Talented Burkina muscians

terrorist group attacked one of the tourist hotels in the capital city of Ouagadougou and now everything has changed.


Many people were killed. Many more were injured. And the blossoming country is in shock and despair.


My son is safe in his village, but this kind of terrorism aimed at Westerners is a big concern – a big concern for the Peace Corp, for the country and for this Mom.


Just when Burkina had completed its first, peaceful democratic election in nearly

Hiking in the Domes of Fabadougou

Hiking in the Domes of Fabadougou

thirty years, the country now must step back and face the terrorism threat that plagues the world. Just when the people of Burkina were hopeful and looking forward, the senseless, selfish and idiotic terrorists have ruined the euphoric hopeful pride the country’s beautiful people were feeling in the New Year.


And what of tourism? It was enjoyable to me to see tourism as an industry beginning to take hold. Now what?


And what of the Peace Corp? It was the most remarkable thing to see the positive

The beautiful Karfiguela Falls

The beautiful Karfiguela Falls

energy and sincere admiration of the work being done by my son and his comrades, not to mention many other NGO’s working to help bring the people of Burkina services they need. Now what?


I’m saddened by this turn of events, on the heels of our very positive experience in Burkina.


Now we wait, we hope, we pray. For peace and prosperity, for safety and security, for innocent victims and kind and generous people.

Elephants in Nazinga Game Ranch

Elephants in Nazinga Game Ranch


God speed Burkina.



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