You might think our lockdown here on Cyprus is idylic; a tropical island in the Mediterranean Sea. Indeed it is beautiful, but the fact remains, it’s a jail. And after 45 days, some mornings I feel so tired and helpless. This is where Boredom Buster Ideas in Lockdown come into play.
I have a lot of gratitude though; our villa is comfortable and beautiful; we are allowed to leave the house once a day and I use that time to be in nature; my husband and I are both healthy; and the weather is finally warming.
Since we still have no idea when or how we will leave this island, we make the best of each and every day. My husband Arne is more at peace than I am. He loves a life of doing nothing just laying around the pool and reading and going for a run every morning. Me however, I’m antsy. I can spend a great deal of time enjoying the quiet and solitude, but then I have a sudden need to DO SOMETHING. Anything – but it must be fun and inspiring.
And that is how we got started a few weeks ago doing our daily Boredom Buster activities. Some of these activities take just a few minutes, while others take several hours. Usually these activities are designed for two, but many times I do one on my own. The goal is to release that pent up energy and relieve that pent up anxiety.
Here are a few of the Boredom Buster activities we have found fun, inspiring and educational. Maybe you can find some ideas here that work for you, or put your own twist on these boredom busters;
Paper Airplane Contest – we each made our own design and flew the airplanes off the upper deck
Towel Animal Menagerie – I’ve been making towel animals for several weeks, and on one day we had a competition.
Yoga – we do yoga anyway, but now we have upped the game trying to add more difficult poses, including planking goals of several minutes.
Running/Walking/Hiking – again we already run but we each have set some distance goals long term.
Photo organization – I take thousands of photos, and keeping them organized is a big challenge. So no better use of my time than to be deleting images I don’t want, and saving the others into files for easy and quick access.
Speaking of photos – do a photo safari around your own house or yard, looking for small and hidden treasures for artistic and surprising photos.
Journal or Scrapbook – my blog is a journal of sorts, but perhaps its time to pull out those old scrapbooking supplies. Making a quarnatine journal, scrapbook or even videos for future generations to see what it was all about.
Throw a Party – have a tea party, a taco party, a date night. Have a zoom wine party, zoom book club or zoom family Pictionary.
Become a Mixologist – lots of ideas online to up your game in the daily mixed drink ideas.
Teach Yourself Something New – There are hundreds of free webinars, online learning, TedTalks and podcasts out there…and many more with minimal investment. For me I have been learning many interesting things to expand my blog.
Self Spa or Couples Spa – we made DIY exfoliant with olive oil, lemon and sugar and wow did our skin feel great. Additionally my darling husband gave me a pedicure…he did pretty well!
Try new recipes – I have cooked and baked and created a variety of delicious things out of our tiny kitchen using the local ingredients of Cyprus. From lamb chops to orange bread, bread dried orange peels to fresh lemonade, from eggplant dip to grilled chickpeas, we have not gone hungry.
Write real letters or cards and mail them to people you love.
Make a real phone call – no texting or messages on FB but talk on the phone to people you care about.
Social Media Cleanse – Spend an entire day without Social Media
Work around your home or yard – even here in this Airbnb I have enjoyed weeding, trimming plants, picking bouquets and watching the daily changes of the trees and flowers.
Plan a future trip – this might seem crazy in the current situation, but travel will happen again, so why not use this time to study up on your dream destinations and begin your plans.
Read – of course, this is a perfect time to be reading. Personally I’ve had some trouble focusing on books, but audible has been a savior for me, and I am both listening to and reading books while here in lockdown. See our book reviews here.
Finding your joy, within your own four walls can be both a pleasure and a cross. We all need to find what works for us and what boredom buster ideas in lockdown fit our situation. Some days will be better than others, but hopefully some of our boredom buster ideas in lockdown can put a smile on your face and skip in your step. Hang in there everyone.
Be healthy and safe.
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