Recently Jiles book News of the World has gained popularity again, due to the movie starring Tom Hanks. I am actually reading News of the World now. But before I started it, I read Jiles more recent book, Simon the Fiddler. Here is my book review Simon the Fiddler.
If you have read News of the World, then you have already met Simon. He appears in that book as well. Jiles has said that in writing News of the World she became captivated with the idea of Simon and so pursued a novel just about him. I’m glad she did.
We meet Simon in 1865 as the long Civil War is coming to a close and the “United” States is in turmoil. Simon has managed to stay out of the war through out most of it, but as the Confederates are surrendering, Simon is conscripted into a regimental band.
Simon meets three other musicians and they are commissioned to play for officers of both sides of the war at an elegant party. Here is when Simon will first lay his eyes on his future – the beautiful young, indentured governess Doris Dillon from Ireland.
Jiles “spare and lilting” style takes the reader right into the Texas heat, the musicians pain, the indentured servants turmoil and the post-civil war chaos. It’s a exquisitely written page turner as we root for Simon and Doris and fear for them as well. I hope you enjoyed my book review Simon the Fiddler by Paulette Jiles
*****Five stars for Simon the Fiddler
Read last week’s review The Lady and the Unicorn
My current read News of the World
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