The Great Mauritius Experiment comes to an end, a long term stay on Mauritius. That’s a wrap Mauritius.
Six weeks staying in one place. In one Airbnb. On one island. The longest we have stayed anywhere. Here is what we learned;
Me: I didn’t feel island fever -the malady of feeling trapped – but I did feel a loss of purpose. I’m not sure how to explain it but six weeks of doing a lot of nothing was too much for me. Some things about a long term stay on Mauritius I loved; I loved unpacking and sleeping in the same bed and feeling at home…and yet…

When I am at home (in the USA I mean), for three or more months during each year I have tasks. Things that need to be accomplished. And although we might often complain about these things, feeling that sense of accomplishment is a good feeling for me.
While on Mauritius for six weeks I set goals and created tasks to keep myself feeling accomplished. Even if it was laundry, meal planning, writing the blog, hiking, running or researching our next destinations. This provides me some sense of purpose.

Don’t get me wrong…I had definite enjoyable days of doing nothing. Even though I can’t spend hours and hours in the sun like I used to, the six weeks here included a lot of relaxing, reading and quiet time. But for me, it was too long.
My husband: He is much less in need of a sense of purpose. In fact, his life goal is no tasks. I’m not saying he is lazy. Far from it. But he prefers a life without a lot of deadlines or pressure. He was and is the driving force behind us moving forward with a travel lifestyle (although most people believe it was me) and continues to enjoy this quiet life without drama that is inevitable back in the USA.

You might also be surprised to learn that it is he who loves the heat. He can spend the entire day reading on a lounge chair in the sun. So a long term stay on Mauritius fit him perfectly.
Me: Moving forward in our planning I think I would want to stay three or maybe four weeks in a place but not longer. We stayed three weeks in Kenya and it was perfect. We stayed three weeks in Antiparos Greece and it was incredible. Much longer I just get ants in my pants. That said, once we leave here we are on a rollercoaster of movement for more than a month (8 countries) and I know when we stop to take a two-week breather in Cyprus we will be ready, tired and irritable. Finding a balance between these two kinds of travel is my goal.

My husband: He would prefer staying in one place for even longer than six weeks. Schlepping the bags is a pain. Driving is a pain. Changing lodging is a pain. Airports and airplanes are a pain. But, he doesn’t want to be back in the USA for extended periods either. The fact we are going to spend the Christmas holidays in the USA in 2020 is all my doing…he would rather not. He doesn’t like the weather, he doesn’t like the chores associated with the holidays (or the house), he doesn’t like the drama and he definitely doesn’t like how much it costs.
And so we plunge ahead. We have no plans to stop this travel life. It’s been good for our marriage. It’s been good for our health (physical and mental). It’s been good for our finances. We just continue to refine it as we go along…it’s a constant learning process.

So where to next? We depart Mauritius February 15th and begin country hopping through six African countries. Two quick days in Johannesburg, six days in the Victoria Falls triangle (Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana) five days in Uganda (Gorilla tour), seven days in Rwanda.

In early March we say farewell for now to the African continent after two and a half months and head to Israel for 16 days (but in 6 different lodgings) before taking a breather in Cyprus in the end of March. In Cyprus we spend the majority of our time in one Airbnb so it should be relaxing and we will be ready.

I won’t bore you with the details from there, but I will say there is a lot of countries to come as we move north into Europe as spring and summer arrive, culminating in France for a late June wedding and heading back to the USA June 30th.
And I’m already planning 2021, using all the knowledge we have acquired in our travels so far. What a fabulous life indeed.
That’s a wrap Mauritius. Thanks for following along. Read last week’s blog about the wonderful foods on this island.

Oh girl…I know exactly what you’re feeling. And no one, unless they’ve traveled for long periods of time, will ever understand. Any time I ever tried to explain my feelings about my need to accomplish something other than beaching it or exploring one more cave or tunnel…all I ever got were eye rolls and don’t be such an unappreciative bitch talks ♀️ So I just quit talking about it.
February 14, 2020 at 6:03 pmAnd sounds like your hubs is related to mine. The hotter it is..the longer we stay…the more books he could get his hands on…the hunt for only local and cultural foods…was all he wanted.
Even as glorious as each sunrise and sunsets were, after 6 weeks I wanted sunsets behind my house. Of course, we lived aboard our boat, so there was never any privacy. No alone time to be by myself with my thoughts or menial tasks.
As much as I love travel, it was that travel that taught me how much I lovely home too. And to appreciate the simpleness and ease of home.
I get ya’ve done waaaay more time than I ever could!!!!
I so very much appreciate you taking the time to comment. Your thoughts and input
February 14, 2020 at 9:55 pmMean a lot to me. Thank you!!
Check out the blog from the previous week it’s all about the amazing food in the island.
February 17, 2020 at 8:34 pmReally enjoyed reading about your long-term stay in Mauritius! Your insights into daily life on the island and the challenges of a longer visit are incredibly helpful. It’s great to see such a detailed perspective beyond just the tourist spots. Thanks for sharing your experiences and tips
August 30, 2024 at 4:53 amThank you
September 7, 2024 at 10:41 am