Europe Travel

The Long Haul

My Camino

Location: Camino de Santiago

Day 14 and there is something happening that hadn’t occurred to me before – mental fatigue. Walking everyday, all day it begins to set in just how long this adventure is, both in miles and in days. At two weeks in I’m astonished at how far we still have to go. The days, weeks and miles unfold ahead in and endless fog and the end seems nowhere in sight.

And so we settle in for the long haul. 

After two weeks we have made some adjustments to help both the physical and mental strain;

1. We are taking days off. Today we arrived in Burgos. Originally we had planned Burgos to be our first day off but it is actually our second. We plan to take at least one day a week off from here on. Originally we planned to arrive in Santiago around
October 8th. Now we think it will be the 11th.

2. I got rid of my pack. Arne has changed his mind about it being “cheating” not to carry the pack. I feel so much better now. The service picks up the pack in the morning and it is waiting for me when we arrive at our destination. We have lightened Arne’s load too, putting much of what he was carrying into my pack to take at least ten lbs off of him. 

3. We are listening to our bodies. Most of our early aches and pains have gone, but we both have colds and the plantar fasciitis has continued  to give me trouble. Today, rather than take a chance of completely ruining my foot we called a cab to take us the last three miles into Burgos. My thinking is better I take a cab three miles than have my whole Camino ruined.  Tomorrow in Burgos I might go shop for some shoes that can provide me some additional support.

With all that said, we are really thankful to be here.  Each mile has something new be it people or scenery or history or weather. Spain is a gorgeous place and all along the Camino the people are kind and supportive. We have met people from all around the world – Japan, South Korea, South Africa, Brazil, Spain, Germany , France, England, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Belgium, and of course the USA (Nebraska, Ohio, Arizona, California, Pennsylvania, Oregon and Florida).

We have found our comfort zone in our pace and in
our style of accommodations. Still working out the food however (blog to come on that).  Rain has threatened but only materialized twice and Mother Nature has been very gentle on us and we are very grateful for that.

Walking side by side with my husband we sometimes go thirty minutes without speaking.  And other times we talk about the future or reminisce about the past or laugh and sing and pass the time in idle chatter.

Each day is good.  We have settled in for the long haul.

179 miles so far. 310 miles to go.

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  • Reply therestlessnest

    Laureen, so glad you are taking care of yourself. Shedding the pack, lightening Arne’s load, considering new shoes. You might like my own summer/fall 2017 mantra (as I recover from foot surgery; WAY more of an adventure than I realized it would be) –AFOG. A neighbor gave this lovely acronym to me. It stands for: Another F___ing Opportunity for Growth. Sounds like you are having many AFOG moments. And isn’t that what the Camino is all about? xo

    September 15, 2017 at 2:38 am
    • Reply Laureen

      Okay that is my new mantra!

      September 15, 2017 at 7:14 am

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