I’m absolutely confident now that I can finish this. Before we began I was nervous maybe I couldn’t. But barring disaster I know now I can.
As long as we just take it day by day.

Pilgrim statue, Leon
Despite a deluge of information,research and preparedness there is so much about this experience you can’t be ready for. In fact I wish I had spent less time reading Facebook comments and “advice” on the Camino page. It’s better to be a little unprepared or unaware and just take it as it comes.
There was a point a few weeks back when I felt like we needed to hurry – go farther each day, make good time, usually after I met someone who was doing

Leon Cathedral
But now I’m in a groove. I love our pace. I enjoy our routine. We take time to look at things, learn and absorb.
I enjoy our days off. Like yesterday in Leon. It feels good to do laundry, sip coffee in bed, explore an unknown city, sit and people watch.
As in the rest of the Grand Adventure, this adventure is about being our authentic selves. No worries, no hurries, no drama – and no pressure based on what other people say and do.
Just day by day.
Buen Camino
Total miles walked 308. To go 188!!
1 Comment
You’re tenacious…and you’ve both found your pace and the peace that passes understanding. Travel safely.
September 26, 2017 at 11:22 pm