
What is Diverticulosis

My Diagnosis, Symptoms, Surgery & Recovery

Location: USA

Note – thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers. I am doing well.

It was six years ago that I ended up in the emergency room due to extreme pain in my abdomen and was diagnosed with acute diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is a flareup of the large intestine due to a disease called diverticulosis. The intestine creates pockets that become inflamed. This is different than polyps often discussed in the colon. The pockets occur for reasons unknown, usually in people over 50 years old. Most develop the pockets in the lower left quadrant of the large intestine. Diverticulosis is the name of the disease, and diverticulitis is what the flareups are called. A flareup can happen at any time and no one knows why.

Some studies have shown obesity as a cause as well as a low fiber diet. Diets in the Western world that are low in fiber and high in carbohydrates create a high number of cases. Usually people who are fit and do physical exercise don’t suffer from this disease. And then there is me.

My Diagnosis


The day I was rushed into the emergency room I had spent the entire day in bed unable to move or even get up. I couldn’t even walk. It was a horrible pain and it frightened me. On that day I had no idea what diverticulosis was. I was grateful to get a quick diagnosis and begin to understand some of the things my body was saying to me.

After diagnosis I realized that I had suffered from at least two, and possibly three diverticulitis flareups in the past. I had powered through those, but the one that sent me to the hospital was the worst.

Multiple “Episodes” Since

Over the past six years I have had seven additional attacks (episodes) of diverticulitis. Many of these while I was traveling abroad. An attack puts me to bed, makes me constipated, creates a loss of appetite and makes it difficult to move or even walk. The pain is that extreme – it feels like a knife to the gut, over and over. While traveling I carried Ciproflaxin, an antibiotic, and diagnosed and treated myself when necessary.

New Information


This past summer while we are on travel pause in the USA we got a new doctor. He provided me some new insight into this disease and showed a deep concern for my future health. He told me that most people require surgery after just two attacks and I can count 8-9. He also talked to me in-depth about the danger of continuing to throw antibiotics at the problem.

No one had discussed surgery with me before. I thought this was a disease I just had to live with. I clearly had more to learn about what is diverticulosis. So on receiving this new information I began some extensive research and met with two more doctors for more opinions.


Although there is much information out there about treating diverticulosis with dietary cleanses and changes, I knew my diet to be very healthy and high fiber. My research provided me a clear picture that my current diet and my lifestyle was not the problem. I lead a healthy life.

So following all my study I decided it was time to do the surgery. It made sense to do the surgery while I was stuck here in the USA, even though I was not very excited about spending time in the hospital during the time of Covid. I originally scheduled the surgery for last December, but again Covid was raging. So I postponed until this week.

Over the past months I have made sure I continued to eat healthy, exercise and keep my weight down to be at my optimal health for surgery. Even so, while traveling in the American Southwest over the past two months I have suffered from almost constant pain. So, no more waiting to deal with this problem. And now that I have been vaccinated, I am more confident about spending five days in the hospital.

I had the surgery earlier this week. I am extremely tired but feeling ok. My doctor tells me I will feel totally normal by end of May, although I can’t start running again until June at the earliest.

Making the Decision

If we had not been forced into travel pause due to the PanDammit, I probably would have put this surgery off a few more years. My doctor worried that a future flareup could result in a dangerous perforation of the colon and spreading bacteria to surrounding tissue, which would require emergency surgery. I definitely did not want to find myself in that situation in a foreign country. And the emergency surgery can be much more invasive than the laparoscopic elective surgery. It can also be more dangerous.

I think I made the right decision for me. But each person needs to review their own situation, do the research and talk to multiple doctors. Each case is unique. If you suffer from this ailment I am happy to tell you more of my story if it can be useful to you. But most importantly, talk to your doctor.

I expect a full recovery, although it will take some time. Thanks for your concern.

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  • Reply Cori

    Glad I read your article!! I just diagnosed myself after three bouts of diverticulitis pain where I thought my belly was going to erupt!! I have an appt finally on the 8th. I’ve research diver diets and have eliminated foods, but knock on wood I’ve had no pain for two or three weeks. Can you please share on the things you can and can’t eat. I know corn, anything with seeds, and whatever else I read, but find some articles are conflicting with others so not sure what to believe. Anything you can share I would really appreciate!!

    September 3, 2023 at 6:45 pm
    • Reply Laureen

      Hi. I am so sorry you are going through this. I suffered for YEARS before I was diagnosed. Honestly there were no foods that seemed to be the culprit. I had flareups when I was both at a healthy weight and when I wasn’t. I did cut way back on beef and I did get some relief. Anti inflammatory foods might help. BUT (I am not a doctor) and I think your doc will advise you better. I was told they no longer think it’s the nuts and seeds…they just don’t know. I hope you find relief. I was very happy and healthy after the surgery.

      September 3, 2023 at 7:04 pm
  • Reply Lisalew65

    I was in the hospital for 6 days on IV meds and then at home for 20 on iv meds. Waiting for my colonoscopy to see how I am healing but would like to know what surgery did you have?

    October 20, 2023 at 6:20 pm
    • Reply Laureen

      Hi. I’m so sorry. I had 7 in of my colon removed, after years of off and on pain. I was four days in the hospital and about five weeks before I was feeling recovered. I lead a very normal life now, although still have occasional bouts of constipation. But not the kind of diverticulitis pain I was having before surgery. I hope you find answers and relief.

      October 21, 2023 at 12:55 am
  • Reply Linnet Hill

    I left mine go until I almost needed a colostomy. Thank God I had the surgery… They usually take a out 12”. Mine they took 15”. I was scared to death but finally did. That was 2017… have had a problem since. 2023

    November 12, 2023 at 6:30 am
  • Reply France

    I’m a walker
    Very active person
    Don’t consider myself overweight
    And I have diverticulosis
    I Eat plenty veggies no carbs

    November 29, 2023 at 2:39 pm
    • Reply Laureen

      I’m sorry you have this. I hope you can find relief.

      November 29, 2023 at 6:41 pm
  • Reply Julie Gendron

    I think I’ve had diverticulitis all my life. I can’t be sure when I was young I went to the doctor a few times and they just pooh-poohed it away as anxiety or some thing on June 24 my actual 41st birthday I went to the ER having three days of excruciating pain to the point where I couldn’t lay down sit down, walk around a piece the house, and I will ask my daughter at 3 AM to take me to the ER after ultrasounds and scans and they thought it was a UTI. I thought it was whatever I don’t even know where her to go to the bathroom to pee her diarrhea for days they gave me a CAT scan and found it was diverticulitis with sepsis. I stayed for 10 days on antibiotics. I didn’t eat anything for five days and then they got me on clear liquids I wasn’t offered surgery but then if it happens again, I need to have surgery probably. I feel like my bladder and my organs are probably damaged. Who knows my doctor doesn’t seem to know much at the moment, so I think I need to find another doctor… I’ve cut out red meat, sugar, pastas I keep myself hydrated better. I’m still doing research on what I can do with my life so that I can avoid more flareups and hospital time.

    July 29, 2024 at 6:10 pm
    • Reply Laureen

      Definitely try another doctor. I am so glad I had the surgery. Please take care of yourself and find. Good doctor.

      July 29, 2024 at 7:02 pm

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