North America Travel

Feeling Grateful for New and Powerful Friends – My Kayak Journey Weekend

Location: Washington

I’ve been trying to think of a way to put into words the lovely weekend I just had. So many adjectives keep floating through my mind as I ponder how to describe it. The weekend was promoted to those of us who signed up as a “woman’s transformational kayak journey”. And it was. But it was more.   More than transformational I found it to be light, uplifting, confirming. I saw for other participants it was inspirational, empowering, motivating. And for some it was a release, a launch, an awakening.


There is one word that keeps coming to mind though. This one word I am confident each and every one of the nine other women I spent the weekend with would agree they felt – gratitude.

Gratitude – a shared feeling of gratitude for power that comes from listening to each other, respecting your fellow woman, loving the human race; gratitude for our time here on earth.


We all have had trials and tragedies. You can’t possibly know someone’s story by just looking at her. The assumptions we make about those around us are always wrong. Truths about our individual journeys are buried deep, and it takes an abundance of gratitude and love for each other to truly share and know and understand.  During our weekend it was paramount to truly be there for each other; to truly listen; to hear; to support.


This was my experience during my transformational journey weekend. An amazing opportunity to meet someone for the very first time and truly listen to their story, help them find their path, and lovingly support them as they go on their way.


Each of the nine women (ranging in age from 30’s to 60’s) I spent the weekend  with sought and found something different in the experience. But I have no doubt that each of the women left feeling they had accomplished something great – something different for each, but something powerful.


I felt accomplished being able to paddle a kayak the distance I did in the heavy wind and chop Mother Nature presented to us. It was exhausting. But I did it and I felt powerful.


I felt proud to have chosen to leave my phone behind and through out the fun and fulfilling weekend not once felt the need to check my phone. It was refreshing.


I felt vigorous to be able to do yoga on the beach. Nothing more lovely than outdoor yoga and beach yoga is even better and I felt appreciation for my strong body and all it does for me.


I felt adaptable when I got to our destination and realized one of my bags had been left behind with all my toiletry items. I survived without those things I think I need everyday and I felt spontaneous.

I felt fit eating the delicious foods provided by our guides at every meal throughout the day. Mealtime was joyful and I felt healthy and inspired by our meals and laughing together.


I felt strong as we hiked to the other side of the Blake Island and took in the beautiful nature of the island, the many deer and raccoons, boats of all shapes and sizes off shore and the wide array of flora. All my senses were engaged.


I felt maternal as I listened to some of the ladies, dealing with career, marriage, and family challenges. I felt my inner-Mama-Bear stirring and wanting to make everything better. But I just listened.


I felt useful as I set up my own tent, toted and hauled gear and helped in everyway I could in camp and through out the weekend. I pulled my weight and didn’t complain and I felt proud.


I felt happy as we laughed and sang funny songs from our youth and learned new songs as we prepared our meals together.


And most of all, I felt grateful. Grateful for my health, grateful for the beautiful Pacific Northwest, grateful for deciding to sign up to do this journey, and mostly grateful for the nine other woman who took the journey with me.


I would absolutely consider doing it again. And you should consider it too.

Go. Be. Fabulous!


(Note: Until next year’s dates are determined you can learn more here.)





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