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My Travel Wardrobe – 8 Months & 19 Countries

Year Eight of the Grand Adventure Begins

I’m as surprised as anyone to realize we are about to begin year EIGHT of the Grand Adventure. It’s a unique way of life, one we have embraced and learned how to live without too much stress. It’s a true Grand Adventure in so many ways, and having the blog and all of you to share with is a blessing. So let’s talk about My Travel Wardrobe- 8 Months & 19 Countries.

Lessons in Packing

Our bags the day we left seven years ago.

In the beginning we packed way too much. Slowly along the way I discarded things or shipped things home. And yet, even now, I still struggle with making choices. I’m a habitual “just in case” packer. I have worked really hard to change this habit. I know that the “just in case” moments might come…and if they do I can go purchase what I need. When we were locked down in Cyprus we purchased some warmer clothes…and when we flew from Paris to Acadia National Park and found ourselves in a hurricane we went shopping. It’s all good.

Fewer Clothes – But Still Too Much

Might be hot (French Polynesia 2022)
Might be chilly (New Zealand 2017)

I feel this time I have pared it WAY down and I feel good about my wardrobe choices. I purchased fewer things, am packing some of my favorite tried and true pieces, and have eliminated one pair of shoes. But the suitcase challenge that still gives me pains is the eight months of contact lenses, prescriptions, supplements and beauty products. What’s a girl to do?

On this itinerary we will visit 19 countries over 8 months from mid September to mid May. We will likely encounter temperatures as high as 90 degrees Fahrenheit and possibly day time lows in the mid 50’s.

Let’s Break It Down Shall We?

I always do this the same way. I first consider the weather and I begin with my basics for pants and shorts. This time I have four pairs of pants (two light weight, one medium weight and one legging) and two pairs of shorts (navy and khaki). From these pieces I build my wardrobe house with mix and match quality pieces.

Lightweight Linen Pants from JJill

This is the second pair of these pants I have owned and they are incredibly versatile for hot weather as well as cooler days. Here I pair them four ways.

Red boat neck tank is a fav from Talbots – 2 years old
New print tank from Talbots
New Rust embellished t shirt from Sundance
Linen top three years old from JJill

Navy Blue Hiking Pants Are Good For More Than Hiking (REI)

These comfy ripstop fabric pants are perfect for hiking or walking around a city. I expect to wear these a lot. Here I pair them four ways.

Light White Sweater last year from Tommy Bahama
VERY old yellow sweater from Nordstrom and long sleeve t shirt from Talbots
New print t shirt from JJill
New White Hiking Shirt Columbia

Lands End Medium Weight Crop Pants

I bought these on sale, not knowing if I was going to like them, but I think they are fabulously versatile for summer, fall or spring wear. Here I have paired them three ways.

Another boat neck tank from Talbots. Loved my old yellow one so much I bought another
Lee Denim Jacket – ancient and I love it
New lightweight linen blouse from Talbots

Black Leggings for Travel Day

Leggings and layering are the way to go on flight day, especially on long flights for comfort. We have several really long flights, and so often planes can be really cold. So I layer up no matter the destination. It’s always easier to peel it off than to freeze when you aren’t prepared. Here I have paired them three ways.

My flight day outfit. Old yellow sweater, new white t-shirt and that checked blouse has been around the world three times
I’ve had this denim shirt for years. Nice and faded. No idea where or when I bought it.

Navy Blue Shorts (Talbots)

When it’s hot I tend to wear dresses more than shorts, but I like to have a couple pair of shorts along for the ride. These Talbots walking shorts are my favorites…I own four pairs! But this time it’s just the navy ones making the cut. Here I have paired them four ways.

Checked shirt again…it’s from Talbots
Love this little sweater from Tommy Bahama
Such a versatile top
The boat neck tank…I own six!

Khaki Shorts JJill

I bought these dark khaki shorts new this year. The fabric is nice and soft and I have worn them several times this summer. A nice addition to the travel wardrobe. Here they are four ways.

I’ve seen those tops before!
And those…
And that cute scarf I bought in Myanmar
Simple and I love the hat from Solbari

The Tops

From the photos above you can see the same tops over and over. I use basic colors that I can mix and match. Although I might pull out a couple of these at the last minute…or not…I currently have three t-shirts, three tank tops, 1 long sleeve t-shirt, 2 long sleeve button up blouses, 1 linen long sleeve blouse and 1 linen short sleeve blouse. All small and packable. In addition I have two light weight sweaters (white and yellow) and my denim jacket. One scarf.


I do love my dresses, especially in hot weather. This year I have two new and two old standbys that have served me well for several years. Here they are;

You voted and this linen with Navy trim from Talbots won
You voted and this bright print from Talbots won
Year four of this linen shift from JJill
Old old old but still functional green dress from Travel Smith


I’ve decided on two one-piece suits this time…and I might also bring a two-piece…not sure. Although everyone loved the white one piece I had last year…it didn’t make the cut. It might be cute but it’s uncomfortable and hard to get in and out of. Who has time for that? In addition to these suits I’ll pack my sarong and coverup too.

New from Lands End
Three years and going strong on this suit from Nordstrom

What About The Shoes

I’ve spent the summer test driving shoes…one of the most difficult things to decide on and to pack. I no longer wear flip-flops (danger danger!) so now have an Ecco slip on that might look dorky but is so comfy. I also purchased my second pair of Ecco strappy sandals; new pair of keen and new sneaker by Kizik. AND instead of a hiking shoe and a running shoe I now have a trail runner that will fill both needs. Those are from Brooks.

Keens Left and Ecco Right
Brooks Left and Kizik Right

My Travel Wardrobe – 8 Months & 19 Countries

I of course will also pack my running clothes, underwear and coat. It may seem like a lot, but it is significantly less than last year. Last year I carried a lot of winter clothes because it was going to be very chilly in Bolivia. However it was a heat wave in Bolivia and we didn’t wear most of what we brought. As far as things like the yellow sweater and even the black leggings…if I’m not wearing those it won’t break my heart to let those go along the journey. Easily replaced.

Logan Airport Sunrise

This is my plan. I’ll finalize everything over the next 14 days…we fly on September 9th. The countdown is on! My Travel Wardrobe – 8 months & 19 Countries. Let’s do it!

See last week’s post Hidden Gems of the Pacific Northwest – Hood Canale. Come back next Friday for our final Hidden Gems of the Pacific Northwest – Pampered Wilderness Millersylvania.

And watch for our post about where we are traveling this year. It will post on September 8th. As always, I can’t tell you how much your support of our travels and this blog mean to me. You are the best.

The Grand Adventure continues…

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  • Reply Anja

    Great post. I found that the older I get the less I give a hoot about fashionable clothing and just want to look presentable and comfortable. Being able to do laundry regularly really helps, as well as good shoes, one comfy for long walks, one smart, one sandal… If I feel brace, I am going to attempt a 6 week work trip with a carry on…

    August 26, 2023 at 3:35 am
  • Reply Terri

    I managed to survive two weeks in Europe with a tiny suitcase to bring on board the plane and no worries about lost luggage. Your list is excellent for the long haul trip. I am going to check out the Brooks trail runners. My hiking boots take up too much space for my Exodus trips. Thanks!

    August 26, 2023 at 11:01 am
    • Reply Laureen

      I’m liking those Brooks! Good luck!

      August 26, 2023 at 11:52 am
  • Reply Linda (LD Holland)

    I read this post with interest. We have an 8 week trip coming up and packing is one of my biggest stresses. I continue to be a “just in case” packer. And we will be away thru a change in seasons. And I am not a small woman so I often can’t shop when I travel. Shoes are where I often go overboard. We have one flight with tight baggage restrictions so that will be my paring down blade.

    August 26, 2023 at 11:04 am
    • Reply Laureen

      Shoes are always trouble!! Good luck@!

      August 26, 2023 at 11:52 am
  • Reply Amy

    Love how you’ve put together your outfits. Wish that checked shirt was still available -so cute!

    Have a great time!

    August 26, 2023 at 1:04 pm
    • Reply Laureen

      It’s definitely one of my favorites!

      August 27, 2023 at 11:51 am
  • Reply LISA

    Love your reviews and trips. How do I view all your outfit pictures in a large way? I can’t make out the details like I want to.

    August 27, 2023 at 11:46 am
    • Reply Laureen

      Hi Lisa. You should be able to click on each photo and get a larger image. Thanks for reading!!

      August 27, 2023 at 11:50 am

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