Europe Travel

Our Return to Santorini

Eleven Years in the Making

Location: Santorini Greece

Two weeks shy of eleven years since we visited the incredible island of Santorini.  And nearly everyday since we have wanted to return.  Today that happens.

Our Return to Santorini

Santorini 2007

We only spent one day on Santorini, since we were on a Mediterranean cruise and it was one of our stops.  We loved all of our stops on that cruise, but Santorini was, well, magical.

Our Return to Santorini

Santorini 2007

It was magical for its stunning beauty – that shot the world thinks of when they think of Greece.  It was magical for the view – and one of the most memorable meals I ever had overlooking the crater.  It was magical for the authentic villages – like a movie but better.

But more important than any of that, it was magical because that day I changed.  It may seem silly, but it’s not silly to me.  That magical day on Santorini I discovered a new person within myself.  The beginning of finding my Fabulous Fifties Life.

See it happened like this:

Our Return to Santorini

Santorini 2007

Laying on the cruise ship at the pool the day before arriving in Santorini I was reading the guidebook about things to do in Santorini.  In the book it suggested walking from Fira (where the ship tenders) to Oia on the far end of the island.  The walk was six miles and went all along the crater rim.

Our Return to Santorini

Santorini 2007

As soon as I read it, I knew my husband would want to do it.  Should I tell him?  Should I keep it to myself?  Hike six miles?  Yikes I don’t think I can do it.  In the hot sun?  I was torn.

But I love my husband so I said “Honey, there is this hike on Santorini maybe we can do.”  He was all over it.

Our Return to Santorini

Santorini 2007

That day I was nervous since I hadn’t done a hike in YEARS.  But we left the ship really early and got started before the heat of the day – and well, the rest is history.  That hike changed my life.  Not only was it SPECTACULAR, but it was inspirational.  We saw only two other people (today this rim walk is much more popular) as we maneuvered our way on this rocky island in the middle of the turquoise blue mediterranean sea.  During that six miles and about three hours I became someone who could hike six miles, who could adventure in the unknown, who could feel alive and free in the wild.  A new person emerged who had been hidden inside of me all those years.

And that is how it began.  Without that hike I would never have tackled hiking from Cusco to Machu Picchu. I would never have tackled walking 486 miles on the Camino de Santiago.  I would never have tackled many of the things I now do everyday, knowing I am capable and not afraid.

Magical Santorini shaped me and I’m going back to say

Our Return to Santorini

Santorini 2007

thank you.  Just for three days this time, but long enough to remember and pay my respects.  A beautiful and magical place where I was transformed, and my Fab Fifties Life was born.



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  • Reply Kim

    Great story! So loving your blog

    September 14, 2018 at 8:13 am
    • Reply Laureen

      Thank you!!!! ❤️

      September 14, 2018 at 8:54 am

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