    At Home  --  North America Travel

    My Favorite Hike in Washington State

    Tolmie Peak Mount Rainier National Park

    I’m doubly blessed to be able to travel around the world, and yet spend my summers in the glorious Pacific Northwest. There is no place like it in the summer. Born and raised here, I took it for granted for most of my life. Only with maturity have I embraced and celebrated it’s unique beauty. My husband and I started hiking regularly during Covid…after setting it aside for years. Once we got started again we set out to discover and rediscover the best hikes in the region. And thanks to my friend Julie, I found my favorite hike in Washington State – Tolmie Peak in Mount Rainier National Park.

    What. A. View

    Mount Rainier National Park

    We did a lot of hiking when I was a child, most of it in the Olympic National Park area close to our home on the Kitsap Peninsula. I still have a home on the Kitsap Peninsula, and we hike often in the Olympic Peninsula. But Mount Rainier is only a couple of hours away, and the Tolmie Peak hike is entered via the Carbon River entrance, so you don’t need to worry about the new reservation system at Paradise or Sunrise.

    Eunice Lake below and Rainier to the South

    Mount Rainier National Park has an abundance of hikes for the novice to the expert. From day hikes to multi-day treks whatever you desire it’s here. Tolmie is perfect for anyone with a little bit of hiking experience looking for a spectacular view. Round trip its about 5.5 miles with a 1500 foot elevation gain. The trail is well cared for and you’ll be accompanied by lots of other nature lovers. Weekdays are generally not too busy so try not to go on a weekend in the summer. The trail usually opens shortly after the 4th of July and stays open until late September.

    Why I Love Tolmie

    This is a hike I feel confident doing solo. I feel safe and I know it’s within my skill level. It’s easy to decide to stop at Eunice Lake, especially when you look up to the peak. It can look daunting. But in reality, the portion of the hike that puts you out at Eunice Lake is much more difficult than the next mile up to the peak. Whatever you do, don’t give up at Eunice Lake. Finish the trek and you will not regret it when you see the view. The last time I hiked to Tolmie it was a crystal clear day and not only did I enjoy the Rainier view but I had the clearest view of Mount Saint Helens I have ever seen from the peak. It’s also easy to see Mount Baker to the north.

    Hail to the Queen
    There She Is!

    What You Need to Know

    To get to Tolmie drive towards Enumclaw through Bonney Lake. Just before reaching Buckley, go right on Mundy Loss Road. Follow Highway 165 to the historic coal mining villages of Wilkeson and Carbonado. From Carbonado it’s 4 miles to where the pavement ends. Here you will follow a gravel road another 11 miles. It usually takes 35-45 minutes depending on the traffic. Don’t bother washing your car the day before this drive.

    Eunice Lake

    When you reach Mowich Lake, you can park near the campground or on the gravel road. Access the trail either at the campground or off the gravel road where a sign marks the trail. The first part of the trail runs along the beautiful blue Mowich Lake before heading off into the wilderness for two miles to Eunice Lake. Another mile up to the peak.

    There is another hike out of the Mowich Campground called Spray Park. Also very beautiful especially when the wildflowers are peaking.

    What to Bring

    Be sure to bring sunscreen, mosquito repellent, a hat and lots of water. I always eat my lunch at the top before meandering back down to the car. Take your time; there is spectacular bird watching along the trail. Last summer I saw a bear eating berries about 50 yards off the trail in a meadow.

    Along the trail
    Mid to Late Summer is wildflower season

    Be sure to pack out everything you bring in. There are no public facilities on the trail.

    You will need a National Park Pass. If you don’t have an annual pass you can get a pass in a self-pay station at Paul’s Peak shortly before arriving at Mowich Lake.

    My Happy Place

    My Favorite Hike in Washington State

    We have hiked a lot over the decades and there is just something about this hike that makes my heart sing. There is no better view in the world – and I have seen a lot of the world. Mount Rainier is my Queen, my Church, my Goddess. She is inspiring. I hope you will do this hike on a sunny day and see why I love it so very much.

    Thanks for reading my post My Favorite Hike in Washington State – Tolmie Peak Mount Rainier National Park. We love it when you pin, share and comment on our blog posts. Thank you.

    Be sure and see last week’s post Tracking Trolls in the Pacific Northwest.

    At Home  --  North America Travel

    Tracking Trolls in the Pacific Northwest

    The Way of the Bird King

    Location: Pacific Northwest

    I’ve been a big fan of Thomas Dambo ever since I visited the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens and was introduced to his magic there. The blog post I wrote about the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens is one of the most popular I’ve ever written. Check it out here. I also visited the Atlanta Botanical Gardens while in Georgia and enjoyed more of his recycled art work there. I was really excited when five of these amazing nature themed sculptures came to the Seattle/Puget Sound region (a 6th is in Portland Oregon). So I went tracking trolls in the Pacific Northwest.

    Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
    Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
    Atlanta Botanical Gardens
    Taking a nap at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens
    I love this one at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens

    Who is Thomas Dambo

    I am intrigued by this man and his mission. In his own words…

    I’m Thomas Dambo, Danish recycling artist. Our world is drowning in trash while we are running out of natural resources. 
    In 2011 I quit my job to become an artist and follow my mission to ‘Waste no more’. 

    Today, I spend my life showing the world that beautiful things can be made out of trash. I give new life to discarded materials by turning them into large-scale artworks. My journey has led me to create artworks in 20 countries across five continents, including my giant Trollsplastic worksbirdhouses, and Happy Wall exhibitions. All these projects are realized using hundreds of tons of recycled materials, working in and with local communities, who are co-creators of the art that I make because the mission I follow needs the involvement of everybody. I also host talks as a speaker, such as TEDx talk, and sometimes I host workshops to teach people how to reuse and upcycle.

    If you want to join my mission, follow me on YouTube,  Instagram or Facebook.

    Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens

    The Way of the Bird King – NW Trolls

    Before visiting the local trolls in the Puget Sound region you really need to visit the amazing website NW Trolls. You can learn a lot of interesting information and find a map of the trolls too. I was intrigued to learn why the Scan Design Foundation chose to present this outdoor art exhibit to the region. Here is more…

    Oscar the Bird King, Vashon Island

    This ambitious public art project is presented by Scan Design Foundation, whose mission is to support Danish-American relations with a focus on environmental sustainability.NWTrolls: Way of the Bird King features six giant hand-built troll sculptures by Danish environmental artist, Thomas Dambo. The publicly-accessible sculptures are located around the Pacific Northwest where each whimsical troll sculpture is part of an underlying environmental story. The project celebrates the human experience of art by amplifying the connections of cultural heritage between Coast Salish tribal communities and Scandinavian traditions. Thanks to our funding partners and host site partners, there is no admission fee to visit any of the trolls.

    Everyone loves Pea the Peacekeeper on Bainbridge Island

    Tracking Trolls in the Pacific Northwest

    I started my treasure hunt a year ago. The six trolls (five in the Seattle area and one in Portland) were built on each site during the spring and early summer of 2023. We visited our first troll on Bainbridge Island, which is about 40 minutes from my home where we spend our summers.

    Pea the Peacekeeper

    Sakai Park, Bainbridge Island

    Learn more and find Pia here.

    Hanging out with Pea the Peacekeeper
    I loved Pea’s hair made from found sticks in the nearby forest

    Last September on the day we were headed to the airport to begin 8 months of travel, we took some time in West Seattle to find our second troll. One of the smaller trolls in the collection, Bruun is hiding in plan sight near the Lincoln Park waterfront.

    Bruun Idun

    Lincoln Park, West Seattle

    Find Bruun here

    Bruun Idun
    Such a little doll

    Summer 2024

    Back in the USA for the summer I made a commitment to find the three remaining trolls close to my home. I won’t be able to get to the Portland one this year. Since our adult sons live in the Ballard area, it was easy to find this little man, standing sentry outside the amazing Ballard Nordic Heritage Museum.

    Frankie Feetsplinters

    Nordic Heritage Museum, Ballard

    Find Frankie here

    Frankie Feetsplinters
    He has such mischievous eyes!

    Make day trip to Vashon Island to find the next troll, which is exactly what we did on a beautiful July day. Three ferries make their way to the close yet remote island; Fauntleroy in West Seattle, Point Defiance in Tacoma and Southworth in Port Orchard on the Kitsap Peninsula. Vashon may seem far away, but it really isn’t and meeting magnificent Oscar the Bird King is worth it. I think this one is my favorites.

    Oscar the Bird King

    Point Robinson Park, Vashon Island

    Find Oscar here

    Oscar the Bird King is my favorite
    He’s watching me…

    I made my way to the beautiful community of Issaquah to find my last troll of my Tracking Trolls in the Pacific Northwest Journey. I lived and worked in Issaquah 35 years ago…wow just saying that blows my mind. But still today this community and it’s people hold a special place in my heart. And now so does Jakob.

    Jakob Two Trees

    Rainier Trail, Issaquah Community Center, Issaquah

    Find Jakob here

    Jakob Two Trees, hidden but easy to get to
    Nice necklace Jakob!

    Troll Life

    The trolls will be in their respective homes for about three years…some longer depending on if they are being cared for. Since each troll is constructed from natural and recycled material, the local weather will determine their life length. Since I didn’t get down to Portland this summer, I hope to visit that troll, Ole Bolle, next summer.

    Seattle’s Original Troll

    Still holding court, now for more than 30 years, is Seattle’s favorite son – the Fremont Troll. A favorite of locals and some visitors too if they know where to find him. I couldn’t write a troll post without mentioning this one-eyed monster we all know and love. Have you visited the original troll under the Fremont Bridge?

    The Fremont Troll more than 30 years guarding the Fremont Bridge

    The Fremont Troll

    Find the Fremont Troll N. 36th Street at Troll Avenue N., under the north end of the George Washington Memorial Bridge (also known as the Aurora Bridge).

    Still looking good!

    What’s Next?

    Dambo’s popularity continues to grow around the United States. Many communities are now home to his whimsical trolls. I’m personally hoping for more Dambo Trolls in the Pacific Northwest over the next few years. They just make me happy!

    Frankie Feetsplinters
    Jakob Two Trees

    Thank you for reading my post Tracking Trolls in the Pacific Northwest. I hope you can find some trolls too. Be sure to come back next week for My Favorite Hike in Washington State.

    We love it when you pin, comment, share and love our blog posts. Thank you!

    Reading Wednesday

    Seventh Annual Reading Round Up 2024

    Best Books of the Year

    As you likely know if you have been following all these years, I track my reading year from July to July. Nothing fancy, just keep a little tally in my notebook of all the books I read. This year I read 77 books, (eight more than last year) and today I will share with you some of my favorites for the Seventh Annual Reading Round Up 2024.

    Over the past year I have written 53 book reviews, pulling into reviews my favorites of the 77 books. Most of my reading is done on my Kindle while traveling, a few hardback and paperback and a few more on Audible. I like Audible for car trips, mostly because I can’t stand listening to the news on the radio anymore!

    So as in the past several years, I’m sharing my most favorites from July 23 to July 24. I have a top ten list, and ten honorable mentions too. Some outstanding novels, biographies, historical non-fiction, as well as Booker and Pulitzer finalists. Other than the number one slot, Tom Lake by Ann Patchett, the books are in no particular order. So here we go, my Seventh Annual Reading Round Up 2024;

    My Top Ten

    1. Tom Lake by Ann Patchett – I really loved this story. I have loved many Patchett books but not all. However, I think this is my favorite of all her works. If you haven’t read it, you should. My favorite book of the past year.
    2. Lady Tans Circle of Friends by Lisa See – I have read several of Lisa See’s novels, and I really enjoy the way she brings historic figures into a novel, teaches her readers something new, and entertains all at once.
    3. The Editor by Steven Rowley – Rowley has a fun and empathetic writing style that I loved in his Guncle books. In this book, we follow an imaginary story of an author and his editor Jackie Onassis. It made me cry.
    4. The Armour of Light by Ken Follett – If you have been paying attention, you know I am a huge Ken Follett fan, particularly of his Kingsbridge series. This latest installment, the fifth, is as brilliant as ever in research and storytelling. If you are new to these books, start with Pillars of the Earth.
    5. Absolution – Alice McDermott – I really loved this book, by a new to me author. A story of American women in the early 1960’s who are stationed with their husbands in pre-war Vietnam. It really struck a chord with me.
    6. Possession by A.S. Byatt – This Booker Prize-winning book is old, and I am astonished I had never read it. It’s also long, and made for a great Audible on a long car trip in Australia. Byatt, recently passed away, was a brilliant storyteller and everyone should read this beautiful book.
    7. Still Life by Sarah Winman – Super fun read, a refreshing new plot and great character development. Still Life is post WWII Italy, full of friendships, love, family and one blue parrot. A great read.
    8. Northwoods by Daniel Mason – Such a great story, and so fun to see an author create something so new and fresh. It is a generational story of a piece of land, rather than a family line – peppered with great characters in human, wildlife, flora and supernatural persuasions. Definely a of fav of the year.
    9. Loot by Tania James – Another one I really loved for it’s unique story. James creates a fictional tale around a real work of art, that is intriguing and very satisfying too.
    10. A Wide Wide Sea by Hampton Sides – another favorite of the year was an audible, we listened to while driving around Serbia. It was a remarkable true story of the life and death of Captain James Cook. Absolutely fascinating. Highly recommend.

    More I loved

    In addition to my top ten above, these ten more were fabulous!

    Sacred Hunger by Barry Unsworth – Mind Blowing

    The Art Thief by Michael Finkle – True Crime

    Chenneville by Paulette Jiles – Heartfelt

    March by Geraldine Brooks – A new twist on an old story

    Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride – Fantastic characters

    The Samurai’s Garden by Gail Tsukiyama – Beautiful

    Lincoln on the Verge by Ted Widmer – What if he hadn’t made it?

    James by Percival Everett – Rethinking a classic

    The Women – Kristin Hannah’s best so far

    In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson – Hilarious

    Summer Break

    I’m taking a little summer break from writing, but not from reading! So I’ll be back soon with more weekly Reading Wednesday Book Reviews. Meanwhile, I hope you can find your next great read on this list AND let me know what you think of this list, as well as any recommendations you have for me. I love hearing your ideas and suggestions. Reading is definitely part of My Fab Fifties Life, and is a great way to see the world without ever leaving home. Thank you for reading my Seventh Annual Reading Round Up 2024.

    I would greatly appreciate it if you commented on this blog post, shared it with friends and family and on any and all social platforms you might engage with. It helps me so much to beat the crazy algorithm. Thank you – and GO READ A BOOK!

    See last week’s book review The Phoenix Crown by Kate Quinn and Janie Chang

    Check out my 2023 Favorite book of the year The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese

    And you might like my 2022 Favorite book of the year Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr

    Reading Wednesday

    Book Review The Phoenix Crown by Kate Quinn and Janie Chang

    I have read four Kate Quinn novels and loved them all (The Rose Code, The Huntress, The Diamond Eye, The Alice Network) but I had never read anything by Janie Chang. I listened to The Phoenix Crown on Audible and enjoyed it, but it didn’t live up to the four books listed above. Here is my book review The Phoenix Crown by Kate Quinn and Janie Chang.

    San Fransisco 1906

    There are four strong women in this story, all very unique. Three of them are fictional but modeled after real women of the era. The fourth is a historic figure named Alice Eastwood, an important botanist at the California Academy of Sciences. A women who led the way for other women scientists during an era where women were not successful or even allowed in scientific fields.

    The other three women are an aspiring opera singer, an American born Chinese women and an artist who has disappeared. These three unlikely friends are pursuing passions, dreams, and destinies in the days leading up to the big San Francisco earthquake and subsequent devastating fire.

    Gemma, who leaves New York under questionable circumstances, arrives in San Francisco hoping to find work in the chorus at the opera house. She quickly meets Henry Thornton, one of San Fransisco many millionaires and he becomes both her patron opening doors at the opera and her lover. But Gemma is flummoxed that her friend Nellie is not in San Fransisco to greet her as they had previously arranged.

    Suling, works in her uncles laundry and helps her aunt in her brothel following the tragic death of her parents. Suling is engaged to wed a man she does not love, and is scheming to find her missing true love Reggie who has disappeared without a trace.

    Not What it Seems

    Soon Gemma and Suling will begin to suspect Henry Thornton is behind many nefarious antics. When the women realize that Nellie (Gemma’s best friend) and Reggie (Suling’s lover) are the same person, they band together to find her.

    Thornton is the suspect in the disappearance of Nellie/Reggie, but just as the women, with the help of their friend Alice Eastwood are getting close to solving the mystery, the great San Francisco earthquake rocks everything and everyone. Suling risks her life to save Nellie/Reggie while Gemma and Alice are risking life and limb to save Alice’s life long work at the California Institute of Science. Fire is raging towards all of them, and in the rubble and smoke of the aftermath the women clearly see Henry Thornton for what he is – a liar and a murderer.

    Book Review The Phoenix Crown by Kate Quinn and Janie Chang

    How will this wild adventure end? Who will survive to love again? Though not as well written or intriguing as most of Quinn’s work, the story kept me interested although the character development was a bit flat. I still enjoyed this book on audible and think most people would love it. I learned a lot about this era of San Francisco.

    ****Four stars for the Phoenix Crown by Kate Quinn and Janie Chang

    Thanks for reading my book review The Phoenix Crown by Kate Quinn and Janie Chang. See last week’s book review 12 Trips in 12 Months by Jen Ruiz.

    DON’T MISS NEXT WEEK – It’s our annual Reading Round Up…the best books of the year. Top twenty of the 77 books I read from July 23-July 24.

    We love it when you pin, share and comment on our book reviews. Thank you.

    Reading Wednesday

    Book Review 12 Trips in 12 Months by Jen Ruiz

    Jen Ruiz is a travel blogger like me, who I have followed online for the past couple of years. Jen’s travel story is much different than ours, mostly in that she is single and in her thirties. But the basis of her book is about how she set out to travel once a month during the year she was about to turn 30. She documents how she pulled it off and how it changed her life. Here is my book review 12 Trips in 12 Months by Jen Ruiz.

    As I Always Say

    As I always say, full time travel is not for everyone. We began our travel life after retirement in our late fifties. Jen, like many young professionals, was struggling with career, relationships and searching for something…she found it with travel.


    Our standards for women, even today, scrutinizes those who haven’t achieved success by being a wife and mother. Despite Jen being a successful attorney, she felt unfulfilled with this pressure of society. When another relationship failed, she was left holding plane tickets and decided to go for it. Without much thought, she found herself solo in Greece. And so it began.

    Learning Curve

    The travel life has a pretty steep learning curve…don’t I know it. And for Jen she was solo and female which presents additional challenges. But despite a few mistakes, her Greek adventure gave her the confidence to set out on 12 trips in 12 months as I way to finish off her final year of her twenties.

    And in fact, during that year she actually ended up taking 20 trips…using vacation, long weekends and most o her sick days. By the end of the year it was clear to Jen she wanted to walk away from her career and find a new life as a travel writer. And here she is today.


    Jen’s journey may look different than what many people are searching for, but you can draw inspiration particularly in regards to the courage and introspection it takes to challenge yourself and live outside the box…something I have lived and loved successfully myself.

    Book Review 12 Trips in 12 Months by Jen Ruiz

    Thanks for reading this week’s book review 12 Trips in 12 Months by Jen Ruiz. Follow Jen @jenonajetplane

    See last week’s book review The Feather Thief by Kirk Johnson.

    We love it when you share, pin and comment on our book reviews. Thank you.

    Reading Wednesday

    Book Review The Feather Thief by Kirk Johnson

    What a story. Short, easy to read non-fiction, yet engrossing and feels like a true crime novel. I was captivated. Here is my Book Review The Feather Thief by Kirk Johnson

    Birds of a Feather

    Since I fancy myself an amateur birdwatcher, this book really captivated me with some of the history of the fashion rage of the 1800’s that made many birds extinct or nearly. This part of the story will make me even more keenly aware, as we bird watch endangered aviary around the world. Johnson takes the reader through historical accounts from Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace’s theory’s to climate change and extinction. This, side by side with a remarkable tale of one man’s obsession with feathers, fly-tying and obtaining rare and illegal bird skins.

    Who is Edwin Rist

    This is a true story, but so absurd it is hard to believe. Much of this book reminded me of The Art Thief by Michael Finkle which is also a true story of a brilliant yet deranged young man named Stephane Breitwieser who gets away with stealing art from museums for years.

    Edwin Rist, the young man in the Feather Thief, is a brilliant, flutist and champion fly-tyer. Rist decides to break into the British Natural History Museum in Tring, where he single handedly steals nearly 300 birds from the rare and priceless bird collection. All in one night.

    Why Steal Dead Birds?

    Rist had become deeply engaged in the obsessive world of salmon fly-tyers, an industry of men who will pay significant dollars to obtain the feathers they covet for their art of fly-tying. Rist shamelessly steals the birds, sells the feathers and the skins of some of the rarest and oldest specimens on the planet. With no remorse.

    Kirk W. Johnson will himself become obsessed with Rist and the heist and the pursuit of justice. Johnson will spend years researching the files, looking for the missing birds and eventually interviewing Rist himself. The culmination will be this bizarre story of this shocking crime and the man with singular obsession with feathers who gets away with the crime.

    *****Five stars for The Feather Thief by Kirk W. Johnson.

    Thank you for reading my Book Review The Feather Thief by Kirk Johnson

    See last week’s book review The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters.

    We are grateful when you comment, share and pin our book reviews. Thank you.

    Reading Wednesday

    Book Review The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters

    In 1962, a family of Mi’kmaq Indigenous Canadians, on their annual summer trip from Nova Scotia to Maine to earn money picking berries, experience a family tragedy. The disappearance of the youngest child, four-year old Ruthie, will catapult the family and each member into a life of regret, sorry and hope. Here is my book review The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters.

    No Trace

    A tiny girl disappears into thin air. Where has she gone? The search goes on for weeks. Distraught and losing hope, each member of the family handles the loss differently. They return to Nova Scotia, vowing never to work in Maine again.

    But as the years go by, some of Ruthie’s siblings believe she is still alive. While one brother, who can’t forgive himself for taking his eyes off of her for one minute, spirals out of control in sorrow, addiction and personal demons.

    Who Is Norma

    Norma is growing up in an affluent family in Maine with a ridiculously overprotective mother, who smothers her with love and guilt. Norma’s father is distant and refuses to help Norma get out from under her mother’s watchful eye. Only her aunt understands and tries to help Norma deal with her mother’s burdensome love.

    The Story Unfolds

    It’s easy to guess at what is going to happen in this missing person story that pits a poor indigenous family against affluent white Americans. Nearly fifty years pass in this story, with an ending that is less than satisfying, and a plot with many flawed and unrealistic details.

    Liked didn’t love though I learned some interesting things about the indigenous people of Nova Scotia. Thanks for reading my book review The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters.

    ***Three stars for The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters

    Read other Native American stories like my book review The River We Remember by William Kent Krueger and book review The Council of Dolls by Mona Susan Powers

    See last week’s book review The Women by Kristin Hannah.

    I’m always grateful when you comment, pin and share my book reviews. Thank you.