Coffee. It’s my drug of choice. If you know me you know I don’t just drink coffee, I experiment with it around the world. And through that experimentation I have learned to appreciate the cultural aspect of coffee, the history of coffee and the fierce competition of the world’s best coffee. And so my Book Review of The Devil’s Cup: A History of the World According to Coffee fell right in my coffeehouse.
By the way, you should read my blog My Favorite Coffee Around the World. You definitely shoud.
This book is actually old, published in 1999 and the story beginning in 1988. At that time, author Allen embarked on a around the world trek to research and get caffeinated and answer the question: Did the advent of coffee give birth to an enlightened western civilization?
Allen traveled from Yemen and Ethiopia to Europe and India and the United States and in his journey he not only drinks a hell of a lot of coffee, he finds himself in some interesting and hair-raising situations. All for the love of coffee.
The book has some great cultural history and Allen’s witty writing helps us follow the bouncing bean. Funny and interesting, but a tiny bit dated.
****Four stars for The Devil’s Cup: A History of the World According to Coffee
Read last week’s review of Heart Spring Mountain
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1 Comment
Coffee is also my drug of choice. I absolutely love it, as long it’s of good quality and made STRONG! Having spent a lot of time in Italy and owning my own coffee house for a few years gave me more insight into what a fine work of art a simple espresso can become and the minute details that it takes to produce the perfect shot (or two or three in my case).
June 17, 2020 at 3:02 pmI don’t have time to read the book right now. I have a few deadlines to meet and timetables for several projects, but you can be sure this book has leaped to the top of my reading list!