
The Suitcase Nomad Life

Two Plus Years and Counting

Location: Everglades Florida

It’s been two years today since we took our shiny new REI bags and got on a plane to Thailand.  Although it’s actually been more than two years since we became suitcase nomads when we left our little condo rental and headed to Hawaii on June 12, 2016 (exactly two years, five months, 17 days, 12 hours, 45 minutes and 49 seconds ago).

We have been living out of those (no longer shiny) REI bags now for 900 days.  In the beginning Arne said we would know after six months whether or not we could live this lifestyle.

Suitcase nomad

Our bags the day we left November 2016

Apparently we can.

65 Flights and 48 countries later here we are in Florida.  Florida?  How did we get here?

We are on our way from Florida next week to five more months in South and Central America, seeing many countries we have wanted to visit for a very long time.  Expecting the suitcase nomad life to continue – full of adventure and fun.

This week marked two years since we headed to Thailand as well as 36 years since we got married.  Our anniversary also

Packing (again) after three weeks in Greece

marked the closing day for the condo we have purchased (sight unseen) back in our home state of Washington.

We plan to continue the suitcase nomad life, but we also look forward to having a “home” once again…a place we can unpack and kick back and call our own when we are in the USA.

Suitcase nomad

Leaving again August 2018

But, that won’t happen until May.  Meanwhile my niece and her family will housesit in our new condo – while we continue gallivanting around…suitcase nomad life on a roll.

It’s fun.  It’s exhausting.  It’s exciting. It’s hard.  It’s exhilarating. It’s monotonous. It’s not for everyone.  It’s our life.  This is our suitcase nomad life.

I wouldn’t change it.  What we have seen.  What we have learned.  How we have grown.  What more could anyone ask for? My Fab Fifties Life.


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  • Reply Christina Daggett

    Hope you enjoy Central and South America. We lived in Ecuador for 9 months and in Costa Rica for 3. Hang on to your valuables. We got robbed more than once in both locations. Ecuador is beautiful, though and we enjoyed ourselves before our travels in Europe.

    November 30, 2018 at 8:50 pm
    • Reply Laureen

      Thank you for the tips!

      December 1, 2018 at 2:52 pm
  • Reply Michael Söhlke

    You should change the „About Me“ section to reflect another happy year with Arne 🙂

    December 1, 2018 at 12:23 am
  • Reply Bea

    Happy wedding anniversary and happy nomad life anniversary! Thanks for inspiring other women to lead fabulous lives.

    December 1, 2018 at 4:03 am
    • Reply Laureen

      Thank you so much.

      December 1, 2018 at 2:52 pm

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